Sunday 2 August 2009

Who is Virgilio Anderson?

Virgilio Anderson was hatched in an incubator in 1978, the offspring of a Leek and Richard Stilgoe. He was an awkward child, and responded only to the name of Virgilio Anderson.. hence his name. As he grew, it was clear that he was going to become a twat. His refusal to eat anything but Battenburg cake ear-marked him to become ambassador for madness on completion of his pubescant phase.. (we will talk more about this later).

Not only did he have one foot bigger than the other, he walked like he'd been born back to front. People would throw things at him just for the sheer joy of seeing him cry into his Disney tee-shirt. The more this happened, the more Virgilio would wreak havoc on his fellow Dungeons & Dragons gamers.. a game he had become obsessed with. KILL the Goblin.. KILL HIM>> MAIM HIM.. RIP His Head off.. he would chant.. (to the silence of his fellow gamers)..

He soon became very insular and started to enter professional body-building tournaments. It was here that he met and fell in love with Shaw 'Keep 'em peeled' Taylor..
He felt secure and protected at last.. spurred on by his new found happiness, he went on to gain an OU degree in 'being a wanker' shortly before being struck down by leprosy of the mind. He is now rumoured to be a stealth social media addict who delights in causing great upset to all and sundry.. especially Richard Herring..

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